Interesting facts

Vitiligo in brief
In the following article, we want to bring you some interesting facts about vitiligo, which we have obtained so far from several professional sources.

Summer - what is it specific about?
Sun as a mean of pigmentation Let us not hide from the sun and let's take full advantage of its effects. Everyone has a different tolerance to the sun and therefore we do not want to advise you how long you should expose your skin to sunlight. However, be sure to use Vitistop gel before short sunbathing.

Vitamin D - Why is it so important?
Why is Vitamin D3 in the Vitligo Store? Vitamin D is not just a vitamin. It is also a neuro-regulatory, steroid hormone that affects 3000 to 25000 different genes in the body. For this reason, it is one of the most important nutrients for our health.