Summer - what is it specific about?
Sun as a mean of pigmentation Let us not hide from the sun and let's take full advantage of its effects. Everyone has a different tolerance to the sun and therefore we do not want to advise you how long you should expose your skin to sunlight. However, be sure to use Vitistop gel before short sunbathing.

Sun as a mean of pigmentation
Let's not hide from the sun and let's take full advantage of its effectst. In combination with Vitistop gel, Vitistop tablets it can work wonders. Everyone has a different tolerance to the sun, so we don't want to advise how long to expose the skin to sunlight, but be sure to apply Vitistop gel to your vitiligo before every tanning session. You can read more about the correct use of Vitistop gel or Vitistop tablets HERE.
In the summer, our skin is darker and more tanned, and of course vitiligo is more visible. So if you are worried about faded spots, we have a solution for that too! Cosmetic camouflage serves to cover vitiligo and thus also to increase self-confidence. If you have decided to repigment your skin, use our Zanderm or Viticolor products as a means of camouflage. Both products are compatible with Vitistop gel.
Let's not underestimate the protection from the sun and apply sunscreen every time! We recommend that you cover your vitiligo spots with SPF 50 when you stay in the sun for a long time, but since every skin is different, the exact instructions on how and when to use the protective factor are individual. You definitely need to be more careful, but above all, don't forget to protect your stains!
Even during the summer, we should not forget vitamins, as they are an irreplaceable key component of our body, and each of them has its own unique and irreplaceable function.
Their abundance and balance fundamentally affect the functioning of the entire body and have a direct impact on our physical and psychological state and defense against external influences. Our Vitistop tablets contain all key vitamins and minerals in such abundance that no other nutritional supplements need to be taken. We have described more about the important vitamins needed in the treatment of vitiligo in our blog: "Vitamins for vitiligo".
Vitamin D - the "sun vitamin" - is created in your skin as a reaction to sunlight, so in the summer months stop taking vitamin D pills and get vitamin D in a natural way - by sunbathing.
We described more about the effects of Vitamin D in our article: "Vitamin D - why is it so important?".
If you are going to the sea this year, be sure to also pack Vitistop gel. In combination with sea water, sun and vitamins you can expect positive results!
Apply Vitistop gel 30-60 minutes before irradiation or sunbathing.
How to use Vitistop gel with the sun?
EXAMPLE (Vitistop gel + sun):
Apply the Vitstop gel, wait 30 minutes, and then expose the affected vitiligo to sunlight for 10 minutes. If the vitiligo is not reddened the next day, increase your exposure to the sun by another 5 minutes.
The expected result is a slight redness of vitiligo, which may persist for the next day.
The exact time in the sun cannot be determined, as the sun has different intensity throughout the year and each of us has a different skin sensitivity to sunlight.
Tanning and the supply of the sun's rays bring us not only a lot of health benefits, but above all it has a positive effect on our mood, which is also an important factor in the treatment of vitiligo. Therefore, be sure not to avoid the sun throughout the year!